

At the “Jagd und Hund 2015” convention in Dortmund, Germany, the Erongo Recordbook for African game animals for the first time awarded certificates to various wilderness hunting areas.

This certificate is awarded to hunting areas which underly the principles of the Erongo Recordbook. Important to know is that not hunting safari operators but simply hunting areas receive these certificates. Through this, hunters can be assured that in a specific area hunting is conducted in accordance with Erongo Recordbook principles.

We from the Erongo Recordbook want to emphasise the importance of open, natural hunting grounds and to change the views of the public eye. We also want to help the potential hunter who wants to hunt according to Erongo Recordbook principles, to easily recognise hunting areas through this certificate.

The Erongo Recordbook Principles are:


  • Game animals within the natural, historical habitat of the specific species

  • In an area, where the game animals are able to elude the pursuits of the hunter beyond the boundaries of such an area

  • In an area where at least one of the five large African beasts of prey occurs (Lion, Leopard, Cheetah, African Wild Dog and Spotted Hyena) and evidently regulates the game populations in the specific area

  • It is the goal of the Erongo Recordbook to ensure the sustainability of hunting game animals. Only trophies can be entered into the Recordbook, whose carriers were fully mature and hence were able to take part in the reproduction of a healthy population; very old trophy animals will be revalued by a multiplier.

The following hunting areas received certificates in 2015:


Hunting operators who are interested in the Erongo Recordbook certificate for their hunting grounds, can download the application form

© Felix Marnewecke